How to create and manage a page in WordPress

Creating pages in WordPress

Creating individual pages in WordPress is quite similar to writing a post. We have already dealt with how write a post in Wordpress.

To create a page in Wordpress, you should simply click Add New in the Pages menu.

When you are ready with your new page, click Publish to save it.That will be all. Your page is now created.

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Categories and Tags in WordPress

Working with categories and tags in WordPress can sometimes be confusing especially for those who are new to WordPress.

What's a tag? What's a category? We'll take some time to explain the differences and what they are used for in WordPress.

Tags in the most basic sense are keywords for your posts. You can assign multiple tags to posts which can be helpful to visitors looking for related articles or searching your site. You also have the ability to use Tag Clouds through a widget to show various tags associated with your posts. Tags can be created when creating the post or by choosing Posts > Post Tags in your WordPress Dashboard:

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WordPress Categories

Categories in WordPress are simple groupsing you create to organize related posts. Catgories can only be used in posts and not pages. It's best practice to create your categories prior to starting to create posts. However, you can create a new category anytime.

WordPress offers the ability to setup sub-categories of any category you wish. This gives you the ability to add more precise organization to your posts. You can display your categories in your sidebar using a widget. Most themes usually have this set up by default. If not, there's plenty widgets to help you do so. You can create a manage your categories by selecting Psots > Categories in your WordPress Dashboard:

Link Categories

Link Categories are not the same as post categories. Link categories can be setup to organize your lists to other websites or blogs. These categories only apply to links and do not affect your post categories. To create or manage the categories for links select Links > Categories inside your WordPress Dashboard.

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How to add pdf download to WordPress posts

To add a PDF to a WordPress post, you need to login to your WordPress admin, from the left-hand navigation menu in WordPress:

Click Posts>Add New.
Click on the Add Media button above the text box.
Drag your desired PDF file from your computer and drop it into the WordPress upload screen, or click Upload Files > Select Files.
When desired files have been added, click Insert into post.

A link to the PDF file will be included in your post.
Rename the Link

In the visual editor in WordPress, highlight the text (link).
Change the text to what it needs to say.
Click > Preview to view changes.
Click > Publish when complete.

Downloading and Reading PDF Files in WordPress

To download the uploaded file, right click on the newly created link and choose Save As.

To open/read the file, right click on the newly created link and choose Open in New Tab. The .pdf file should open automatically.

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How to add mp3 links to a post in WordPress

How to add mp3 links to a post in WordPress. Add MP3 Links to a Post

To use MP3 links in your WordPress post:

Log into your WordPress Dashboard.
Click Posts > Add New.
Write your post.
Highlight the words that you want to turn into a hyperlink to the MP3 file and click the Link icon from the text box toolbar.
In the URL field, enter the URL of the MP3 file.
In the Title field, name the MP3 file.
Check the box for Open link in a new window/tab.
Click Add Link.

Adding MP3 files in WordPress

Adding MP3 files in WordPress. Audio files are often used for Podcasts. They include: .mp3, .m4a, .ogg, and .wav files. There are two ways to manually add MP3 files to your WordPress posts.

Option 1: Upload Individual MP3 Files Directly to a WordPress Post

If you only have a handful of MP3 files to upload, the first method will be the best option.

From the left-hand navigation menu in WordPress:

Click Posts > Add New.
Click the Add Media button above the text box.
Drag file(s) from your computer and drop them into the WordPress upload screen or click Select Files.
When desired files have been added, click Insert into post.

Uploading in the above manner will result in each MP3 file being saved in the wp-content/uploads folder.

A link to the MP3 file will now be created in your post.

Option 2: Upload Multiple MP3 files through File Manager

If you have multiple MP3 files to upload, follow these instructions:

Log into cPanel.
In the Files section, click on the File Manager icon.
Select Web Root (public_html/www) and be sure you are in the Document Root for the domain using the WordPress install.
Click to expand the public_html folder, navigate to the wp-content folder and double click on it.
Along the top of your File Manager screen, click on the New Folder icon.
In the popup window, name your new folder audio (all lowercase) and click Create New Folder.
Your new folder will be created in /public_html/wp-content
You may now bulk upload your MP3 files to this folder either by clicking on the Upload button in File Manager or via FTP.

When naming your MP3 files, it is best to remove any spaces from the file names and name them all in lowercase letters.

EXAMPLE: Instead of This Is A Great Song.mp3, use: thisisagreatsong.mp3

After uploading, the resulting link would be:

How to crop images in WordPress

WordPress is undoubtedly the most popular content management system. It is famous but some features can still be confusing. One of the features that confuses WordPress users is image cropping. In this tutorial, we will look at cropping images in WordPress.

Step #1. Select the photo

Step #2. Click the pencil in the photo

Step #3. Click the Edit Original link

Step #4. Select the area of the photo with your mouse. This is the step where people often get confused.

With the other image changes such as rotate, you click the button first.

However, with cropping, you first need to select the area of the image with your mouse. Is the area that will remain after the image is cropped.

Step #5. Click the Crop button

Now you can click the Crop button to make the changes that you selected in the previous step.

Step #6. Click the Save button

Finally, don't forget to click the Save button to finalize your changes

How to change the title seperator of your WordPress website

You can choose the seperator to use in your website page title if you are running a WordPress website. Seperators are good to help nice page title displays which in effect can help click-through-rates (CTR).

The separator you pick here will be used where you have used %%sep%% in your title and description templates. To choose your seperator, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your WordPress website. When you are logged in, you will be in your 'Dashboard' area. You will find a sidebar by the left, from that left menu, click on 'SEO'.

2. The 'SEO' settings will expand providing you additional options. Click on 'Titles & Metas' and you will be presented with alternative seperators.

3. Click on your prefered separator under 'Title Separator'.

4. Click 'Save Changes'

How to Disable url Auto Linking in WordPress

In WordPress, plain text urls made in comments are automatically linked and made clickable. Sometimes, you may want to disable this feature. Some of these comments are honest and genuine while some are spam links. This tutorial will show you how to achieve this and disable url auto linking in WordPress comments.

To disable this url auto linking, simply add this single line of code in your theme’s functions.php file or in a site-specific plugin.
remove_filter( 'comment_text', 'make_clickable', 9 );

WordPress does not store plain text URLs as links in the database. Instead it changes them into clickable links on the fly. This code simply disables the filter that makes URLs clickable.

This makes plain text URLs non-clickable in admin area and comments section below your posts. Removing this code will re-enable the auto linking.

If you are adding it to your theme’s functions.php file, then updating your theme will overwrite your functions file.

Also keep in mind that this code only works on plain text URLs. If a user decided to create a link by adding the proper HTML tag, then those links will appear as they should.

How to Manage your WordPress Pages With "PageManagement Plugin"

Page Management is a plugin that allows you to manage your WordPress pages to be managed easily. "Page Management" allows the site admin to:

Reorder pages and edit the page hierarchy using "drag and drop".
Change the level of pages within the hierarchy using "drag and drop".
View all the site's posts or pages on the same page.
Hide subpages to see the site's pages more easily.
o install, simply upload and activate the plugin. You'll be taken to the settings page where you can choose what features you'd like to use.

To install manually: 1. Download 2. Unzip. 3. Upload page-management directory your /wp-content/plugins directory. 4. Go to the plugin management page and activate the plugin. 5. Configure the options on the settings page.

Note: If your editor doesn't work properly when you enable the shortcode dropdown, please disable this feature.

To write a comment in WordPress.

Log in to your WordPress dashboard.

In the upper left corner, click on the My Blog link to go to your blog.

Click on the leave a Comment link. This will open a new page, with a comment box. Enter your comment in the box. When you are done, click the Post Comment button. Your new comment will show up under the admin says: .

Now you know how to write a comment in WordPress.

Disabling Comments on WordPress Posts

WordPress comments had been a source of concern to most users especially when used on websites that do not require commenting such as a private company website meant to display the company's profile. Disabling comments had been used as a spam fighting tool and we will address that in this tutorial.

There are spam-fighting tools such as Akismet and Mollom, but some of users prefer to turn off comments entirely. To do this, simply follow these guide:

Go to Settings > Discussion.

Uncheck the "Allow people to post comments on new articles" and the "Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks) " settings.

The pingbacks feature of WordPress is like commenting for computers. It allows other blogs to leave a comment/link on your blog to their blog if they mention you. Unfortunately, in many cases it's not useful and is a bit like link-spam.

Finally, at the bottom, save your changes and you're done. If for some reason you still get commenting at the bottom of some posts, you'll need to go to those individual posts and uncheck the settings for commenting.

Alternatively, go to Settings > Discussion, set Automatically close comments on articles older than (number of days) to 0. You can also bulk edit posts/pages to quickly disable comments on multiple posts/pages.

If you want to go a step futher and complete remove all traces of comments or comment features from your site, we recommend the Disable Comments plugin. This plugin allows administrators to globally disable comments on any post type (posts, pages, attachments, etc.) so that these settings cannot be overridden for individual posts. It also removes all comment-related fields from edit and quick-edit screens.

WordPress Post Formats

Beginning with WordPress version 3.1 Post Formats was introduced as a theme feature. With Post Format supported themes, a blogger can change how each post looks by choosing a Post Format from a radio-button list. A Post Format is a piece of meta information that can be used by a theme to customize its presentation of a post. The Post Formats feature provides a standardized list of formats that are available to all themes that support the feature. Themes are not required to support every format on the list. New formats cannot be introduced by themes or even plugins. The standardization of this list provides both compatibility between numerous themes and an avenue for external blogging tools to access this feature in a consistent fashion.
Using Asides as an example, in the past, a category called Asides was created, and posts were assigned that category, and then displayed differently based on styling rules from post_class() or from in_category('asides'). With Post Formats, the new approach allows a theme to add support for a Post Format (e.g. add_theme_support('post-formats', array('aside'))), and then the post format can be selected in the Publish meta box when saving the post. A function call of get_post_format($post->ID) can be used to determine the format, and post_class() will also create the “format-asides” class, for pure-css styling.

Supported Formats
The following Post Formats are available for users to choose from, if the theme enables support for them.

Note that while the actual post content entry won’t change, the theme can use this user choice to display the post differently based on the format chosen. For example, a theme could leave off the display of the title for a “Status” post. How things are displayed is entirely up to the theme, but here are some general guidelines.

aside – Typically styled without a title. Similar to a Facebook note update.
gallery – A gallery of images. Post will likely contain a gallery shortcode and will have image attachments.

link – A link to another site. Themes may wish to use the first <a href=””> tag in the post content as the external link for that post. An alternative approach could be if the post consists only of a URL, then that will be the URL and the title (post_title) will be the name attached to the anchor for it.

image – A single image. The first <img /> tag in the post could be considered the image. Alternatively, if the post consists only of a URL, that will be the image URL and the title of the post (post_title) will be the title attribute for the image.
quote – A quotation. Probably will contain a blockquote holding the quote content. Alternatively, the quote may be just the content, with the source/author being the title.
status – A short status update, similar to a Twitter status update.

video – A single video or video playlist. The first <video /> tag or object/embed in the post content could be considered the video. Alternatively, if the post consists only of a URL, that will be the video URL. May also contain the video as an attachment to the post, if video support is enabled on the blog (like via a plugin).

audio – An audio file or playlist. Could be used for Podcasting.
chat – A chat transcript, like so:
John: foo
Mary: bar
John: foo 2

Note: When writing or editing a Post, Standard is used to designate that no Post Format is specified. Also if a format is specified that is invalid then standard (no format) will be used.
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