Magento Store configuration

Configuuring your Magento store is the first thing you want to do after a successful installation, security and performance optimiation. You need to add product to categories and begin promoting your store ready to take your orders. This post takes you through the details involved with your Magento store configuration.

Store configuration in Magento

1) Go to the System menu

2) Select Configuration

3) You can choose the default country from the list

Magento lets you specify from which countries to allow orders. All countries are selected by default

4) To select or de-select a country, hold down the control key while clicking on it

You may need to click the arrow to view more options

5) Select the timezone

6) Choose the locale

7) Click Save Config to save your changes

You will get on-screen confirmation

8) Click Web

This is where you can edit options like the URL

9) Enter the base URL for your site

10) Click Save Config to save these changes

Next, you will want to change your Theme settings.

11) Click Design

This is where you can change your theme related settings

12) Change the title of your store here

13) Change your logo image source here

14) Enter welcome text

15) Edit the copyright information here

16) You can edit the image watermarks here

17) Click Currency Setup

This is where you can set your currency options, including allowed currencies

18) To select another currency, hold down control and click on it

19) Click Save Config


20) Click Store Email Addresses

This is where you can set the sender names and email addresses for contact and support emails

21) Go to Contacts

Here, you can enable Contact Us and set other related options

22) Click Catalog

This is where you can set options related to the store catalog, including the number of products per page and setting up alerts

23) Go to Inventory

Here, you can manage options related to the stock, quantity, and backorders

This is just an overview of some of the most important options required to get your store set up.

You now know how to configure your store in Magento.

Also read: Magento Website Optimization Tips

How to change tax rate in Magento e-commerce website

Tax rates can be altered in your Magento e-commercce website to keep in touch with fluctions in taxes. This tutorial will show you how to adjust the tax rates in your Magento e-commerce website.

Begin by loging in to your Magento admin area.

1) To manage tax zones and rates, go to Sales…

2) …Tax… and click Manage Tax Zones & Rates

This page will show you all the tax rates that have been added

3) To add a new tax rate, click this button

4) Enter the tax identifier

5) Select the country

6) Select the state

7) Enter the tax rate

8) Click Save Rate

The rate has been saved and added to the list below

9) To import or export tax rates, go to Sales…

10) …Tax… Import / Export Tax Rates

You can use this form to import or export tax rates to other stores

11) To manage customer tax classes, go to Sales…

12) …Tax… Customer Tax Classes

This page will show you a list of the existing customer tax classes

13) To add a new tax class, click this button

14) Enter a name for the new class

15) Click Save Class

The tax class has been saved and added to the list below

16) To manage the product tax classes, go to Sales…

17) …Tax… then Product Tax Classes

This is where you can view all of the product tax classes

18) To add a new product tax class, click this button

19) Enter a name for the new tax class

20) Click Save Class

The new tax class has been added below

21) To manage tax rules, go to Sales…

22) …Tax… and select Manage Tax Rules

This is where you can see all of the tax rules that have been added

23) To add a new tax rule, click this button

24) Enter a name for the new tax rule

25) Select the customer tax class this rule will apply to

26) Select the product tax class

27) Hold down the control key while clicking to select multiple customer tax classes

28) Select the tax rate

29) Enter a priority for this tax class

30) Click Save Rule

The new rule has been added

Setting up product attributes in Magento

How to setup product attributes in Magento:

1) To manage attributes, go to Catalog…

2) …Attributes…

3) …and select Manage Attributes

This page lists all product attributes

4) To add a new attribute, click this button

5) Enter an attribute code

6) Select the scope

7) Choose the input type

8) Choose what this attribute applies to

9) Select the product types this attribute will apply to

10) Choose whether to show this attribute in quick search

11) Select whether to use in advanced search

12) Choose if this attribute is comparable on the front-end store

13) Choose whether to use in layered navigation

14) Type in the position

15) Go to Manage Label / Options

16) Enter a title

17) Click Save Attribute

The attribute was successfully saved

Scroll down to see it in the list below

Here is the attribute in the list

18) To manage attribute sets, go to Catalog…

19) …Attributes…

20) …and click Manage Attribute Sets

This page shows all active attribute sets

21) To add a new set, click this button

22) Enter a name for the new set

23) Select which attribute set this one will be based on

24) Click Save Attribute Set

The set has been successfully added. You can now edit the groups in this set

Congratulations. You now know how to setup product attributes in Magento Commerce

The sales options in Magento specifies how you manage invoices, orders, and related items. This tutorial will give you an overview of the sales options in Magento Commerce.

1) Go to Sales… and click Orders

This page will show you all of the orders that have been placed

2) Go to Sales… then Invoices

Overview of the sales option in Magento

Any available invoices will show up here

3) Go to Sales… and click Shipments

All shipments will show up in the list below

4) Go to Sales… and click Credit Memos

If there are any credit memos, they will show up here

5) Go to Sales… then Terms and conditions

Checkout terms and conditions will show up here

6) To create a new one, scroll right

7) Click Add New Condition

8) Enter a name for the new condition

9) Set the status

10) Enter the checkbox text

11) Enter the content

12) Click Save Condition

The condition has been saved

Product reviews and ratings in Magento

Magento product reviews system simplifies whether the latest, the most helpful or with the highest rating reviews will be shown. This tutorial will show you how to manage product reviews and ratings in Magento Commerce.

1) To manage product ratings, go to Catalog…

2) …then Reviews and Ratings… and click Manage Ratings

This is where you can view all of the ratings for products

3) To add a new rating, click this button

4) Enter a title for the new rating

5) Select where you want the rating to be visible

6) Click Save Rating

The rating has been saved

7) To manage customer reviews, go to Catalog…

8) …then Reviews and Ratings…

9) …Customer Reviews… and select Pending Reviews

When a customer writes a review for a product, it will show up below until you approve it

10) Click on the review to see more information

This page will show you the name of the product reviewed, who reviewed it, information about the rating, and details about the review

11) Approve a review by selecting the option from the menu

12) Click Save Review

The review has been saved and will now show up on the product page

13) To view all customer reviews, go to Catalog…

14) …Reviews and Ratings…

15) …Customer Reviews… and select All Reviews

This page will show all customer reviews regardless of their status

Managing promotions in Magento e-commerce

Promotions deal with areas like discounts, free gifts and others incentive and rewards. This tutorial will show you how to manage special promotions in Magento Commerce.

1) To add a catalog promotion, go to Promotions… and select Catalog Price Rules

This page will show you all of the catalog price rules that have been added

2) To add a new rule, click this button

3) Enter a name for the new rule

4) Choose whether the status of the promotion is active or inactive

5) Hold down the control key and click to select the customer groups that this promotion will apply to

6) You can choose the start and end date of the promotion from the pop-up calendar

7) Click Conditions

8) Click the plus sign to add a condition

9) Choose a condition to add

10) Click the dots to finish the condition

11) Click to search for the product’s SKU

12) Select the correct product

13) Click the checkmark to apply the changes

14) Go to Actions

15) Select what the rule should be applied to

16) Enter the discount amount

17) Click Save Rule

The rule has been saved but not applied

18) Click Apply Rules

The rule has now been applied

19) To add a shopping cart promotion, go to Promotions… and select Shopping Cart Price Rules

This page will show all the shopping cart promotions that have been created

20) To add a new rule, click this button

21) Enter a name for the rule

22) Choose whether the promotion status is active or inactive

23) Hold down the control key and click to select the customer groups this promotion will apply to

24) You can select the start and end dates for this promotion

25) Click Conditions

26) Click the plus sign to add a condition

27) Select a condition from the list

28) Click the dots to complete the condition

29) Type in a value

30) Go to Actions

31) Select what the new rule will apply to

32) Enter the discount amount

33) Click Save Rule

The new rule has been saved and applied

You now know how to setup special promotions in Magento e-Commerce

How to configure payment methods in Magento:

1) Go to System… and select Configuration

2) Scroll down to the sales options

3) Select Payment Methods

This page lets you choose which payment methods your store will accept

4) Click the arrow to expand options

5) If credit card verification is off, you can turn it on

6) When you are finished configuring these options, you can collapse them

7) You can configure options for check or money orders

8) You can disable checks and money orders

9) Collapse these options

10) You can also setup PayPal payments

11) Enable the option

12) When you are done, click Save Config

The configuration has been saved

How to create and approve tags in Magento

We assume you’re already logged in to Magento admin section

1) Go to Catalog…

2) …then Tags… and select Pending Tags

This page will show you all the product tags that require approval before they can be used

3) Select the tags you want to approve

4) Select Change Status from the actions menu

5) Change the status to Approved

6) Click Submit

7) To create your own product tags, go to Catalog…

8) …then Tags… and select All Tags

9) Click Add New Tag

10) Enter a name for the tag

The status is automatically set to approved

11) Click Save Tag

The tag was successfully saved and now shows up in the list below

How to manage multiple stores in Magento e-commerce:

1) Go to System… and click Manage Stores

On this page, you can view all of the stores that have been set up

2) To create a new website, click this button

3) Enter a name for the new website

4) Enter a code for the website

5) Click Save Website

The website has been saved

We will now need to create a name for the new store

6) Click Create Store

7) Choose the website

8) Enter a name for the new store

9) Select the root category

10) Click Save Store

The store has been saved

Now, we will create a store view name

11) Click Create Store View

12) Select the store

13) Enter a name

14) Enter the new store code

15) Select the status

16) Click Save Store View

The store has been saved

Managing customers in Magento e-commerce:

1) Go to Customers… then Customer Groups

This is where you can view all the customer groups that have been added

2) Click this button to add another group

3) Enter a name for the new group

4) Click Save Customer Group

The new group has been saved successfully and now shows up in the list below

5) To add an existing customer to one of the groups below, go to the Customers menu… then select Manage Customers

6) Choose a customer

7) Select Assign a customer group from the actions list

8) Now, choose a group

9) Click Submit

The selected customer has been added to the group

10) To add a new customer, scroll right

11) Click this button

12) Select whether the new customer has access to the admin panel or only the store

13) Enter the customer’s first name

14) Enter the last name

15) Enter the customer’s email address

16) Select the customer group

17) Enter a password for this customer

18) Go to Addresses

19) Add a new address for this customer by clicking this button

20) Enter the street address

21) Enter the city

22) Select the country

23) Choose the state or province

24) Enter the ZIP code

25) Enter the telephone number

26) Click Save Customer

The customer has been saved and added to the list below

27) To view a list of the online customers, go to Customers… then Online Customers

This page shows the customers online, when they were last active, and other information

Managing search terms in Magento

Search terms management in Magento allows you to add and modify existing serach terms based on the terms used by site visitors. After you login to your Magento website, follow the rest of the tutorial to modify or manage your search terms.

1) Go to Catalog… and click Search

This page will show all of the search terms that you have added and that have been used by customers

2) Click Add New Search Term

3) Enter the search query

4) If the query has a synonym, you can enter it here

5) You can choose whether to display in suggested terms

6) Click Save Search

The search term has been added

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