Change domain, add Google analytics and Zopim LiveChat in WooCommerce

If you are moving your website from a development (staging) environment to your live website then most probably you will need to change the Domain which your website is accessible at. This is quite an easy task and we will describe the whole process in the next few lines of this tutorial.

There are few ways of changing the Domain/URL which is used to access your WooCommerce Online Store, however we will show you only the one which will provide you with 100% success on that action.

Before you move your website from one environment to another with a new domain you should access the wp-admin area and from the re you will need to navigate to Settings>General.


Accessing the General Settings

There you will be able to find two fields which are critical for the URL you would like to change. Those are WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL).

Here you should change the current domain (only the domain in case you have subfolder setup) with the new one. For example from to

Once this has been done please scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the Save Changes button. Once you click on it you will be most probably presented with 404 Error page, however there is nothing to worrie about as this will show you that the new URL was properly setup.

Now please access the new URL and you will see how your website will appear there.

Keep in mind that when doing this type of URL change you will also need to ensure that the files and the folders will be placed under the correct location. If it is a primary domain change for your package with us, then you should not move any file.


How to Integrate Google Analytics on your Online Store

Google Analytics is a tracking service provided by Google which will allow you to track the visitors on your website and to receive different statistics about the overall access rate of your website. In the next few lines of this tutorial we will show you how to integrate that service with your WooCommerce Online Store.

To track the traffic on your website, you will need to:

Step 1: Install the Google Analytics Plugin
Step 2: Configure the Google Analytics Plugin


Step 1 Install the Google Analytics Plugin

In order for the Google Analytics tracking service to be activated on your Online Store you will need to first install the "Google Analytics" Wordpress plugin. This will require for you to login into the wp-admin area of your website and to navigate to Plugins > Add new.

In the Plugins page you will need to search for Google Analytics as a plugin name and the first result from the search will be the plugin you will need to install.

Once the plugin is installed you will need to activate it via the Activate Plugin provided in the post installation log.

Now that the plugin is activated you will need to configure it properly which we will do in the second step of this tutorial.

Step 2 Configure the Google Analytics Plugin

In order to configure the plugin you have just installed you will need to navigate to Settings>Google Analytics.

There you will be able to find a simple interface which requires for you to put the Web Property ID or the so called Tracking ID. In order to obtain that code you will need to create an account with Google Analytics and once you login there you will need to navigate to Admin>Tracking Info>Tracking Code.

Once you obtain the Tracking ID you should return to the Google Analytics plugin in the Wordpress admin area and simply enter the tracking ID into the Web Property ID field. Once you are ready please press the Save Changes button so you can activate the service.


Further reading:

How to Manage 403 Forbidden Error in WordPress

How to Optimize and Speed Up Your WordPress Website

How to Remove the "Powered by WordPress" Footer Link

How to Secure a WordPress Website

How to control new user registration in WordPress

How to create a simple portfolio website with WordPress

Changing your WordPress website location


How to Integrate Zopim on your Online Store

Zopim is know to be one of the best chat softwares you can get for Online Stores as it allows a direct communication with the sales representative of your Store and the customers. In the next few lines of this tutorial we will show you how to integrate that feature on your WooCommerce Online Store.

To integrate Zopim Live chat for your Online Store:

Step 1: Get the Zopim Live Chat feature
Step 2: Install and Link Zopim Live Chat


STEP 1 Get the Zopim Live Chat feature

In order to get Zopim installed for your website you will need to first create an account with them. Now, since we have an official partnership with Zopim we have made the addon available into your client area with us. In order to purchase it you will need to login into your client area and navigate to Order section

Since Zopim is an addon service for your packages with us you will need to then click on the Product Addons link so you can be presented with all the available addon services.

Then you will need to scroll down on the next page and find the Zopim Live Chat addon service.

When you click the Add to Cart button the service will be added to your shopping cart. Once you complete the ordering process you will receive an email with the login information for your Zopim account.

STEP 2 Install and Link Zopim Live Chat

Once you have the login credentials for your client area with Zopim the integration is quite an easy task to handle. First you will need to login into the admin area of your Wordpress website. Then you will need to navigate to Plugins>Add new.

Then you will need to search for the Zopim LiveChat plugin and once you find it you should click on the Install button.

As soon as the installation process of the plugin finishes, please activate the plugin by clicking on the Activate Plugin link.

Then the plugin will add a link in the admin menu of your website and if you click on the Zopim Chat link you will be redirected to a simple form where you will need to fill your Zopim Username and your Zopim Password.

Once you are ready with these, please click on the Link Up button so you can be able to finalize the setup.

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