Loaded commerce backup and restore tutorial

This tutorial will review the Backup Manager of Loaded Commerce and how it works. The feature provides an automated creation and restore of backups for your website. However, note that those backups are only for the database on your website and not the files. If you are customizing any of the files of your website, we do not recommend using this option.

To access the Backup Manager feature, you need to access the administrative dashboard of your website first. Click on the Settings button on the right-side menu.

Click on the System Tools option and then Backup Manager.

The Backup Manager allows you to:

  • 1. Create Backup
  • 2. Restore Backup

Create Backup

Once you access the backup manager, you will be able to see a list of all available backups of your website's database. To create a new backup, simply click on the Backup button at the top.

The system will request more information about the new backup. Choose the compression for the new backup and if you would like to instantly download it on your local computer. Then hit the Backup button to proceed.


Restore Backup

To restore a backup that you have created of your website, you need to access the Backup Manager again. Click on the Restore button at the top and select a backup copy from your local computer.

Click on the Restore button and allow the time for the process to get completed successfully.

Then, you will see a successful message to confirm that the restore is completed.


Further reading:

How to install Loaded Commerce

Loaded commerce configuration and branding

Loaded commerce content management tutorial


How to Create a Full Backup of Loaded 7

In this tutorial, we will review the process of creating a full backup of your Loaded Commerce website. This will ensure that if something goes wrong with your website, you have a working copy that you can restore and get it operational again.

Backup Manager

There is an automated backup feature in Loaded Commerce. However, it only generates backup of your database so if you are making changes on your files, the backup will not be sufficient.

To complete your Loaded 7 backup, you will need to:

  • 1. Backup Files
  • 2. Backup Database

Backup Files

The first step is to generate a full backup for the files of your Loaded Commerce website. You need to locate the directory of your installation and download it to your local computer. For example, if you are accessing your website directly through the primary domain of your account, this will indicate that you need to download the public_html directory of your account. Alternatively, you will have to locate the exact directory of your website and ensure that it contains all of the files for your website.

Upload Files

There are two ways of uploading your files to the server - using an FTP client, following our FTP tutorial, or uploading directly through your cPanel account ? File Manager, following our cPanel Tutorial.


Backup Database

The next step is to download a backup of your database on your local computer. For that purpose, you first need to confirm the name of your database.

Configuration File

You can check the name of your database via the main Loaded 7 Configuration file.

Once you get the name of your database, simply access your cPanel account and locate the Databases section. Click on the phpMyAdmin icon.

You will be presented with a list of all databases on your account on the left-side of the screen. Select the one set on your website.

The system will display all of the tables within your database. Click on the Export button at the top menu to proceed.

Click on the Go button, which will export a dump backup copy of your database on your local computer.

With this your backup is complete. Make sure to keep your data safe, so you can restore it without issues if needed.


Further reading:

How to install Loaded Commerce

Loaded commerce configuration and branding

Loaded commerce content management tutorial


How to Restore a Full Backup of Loaded 7

This tutorial will review the restore procedure for a Loaded Commerce website. This may be required if you were making changes on your website and somehow it got corrupted.

To Restore a Backup of your website, you will need to:

  • 1. Restore Files
  • 2. Restore Database
  • 3. Link the Files and Database

Restore Files

The first step is to restore the files of your Loaded Commerce website on the server. For that purpose, you first need to choose the location, where you need the backup restored. If you wish to restore your website and access it via the primary domain of your account, you need to upload the files to the public_html directory of your account. This may differ, depending on your restore preferences.

Upload Files

There are two ways of uploading your files to the server - using an FTP client, following our FTP tutorial, or uploading directly through your cPanel account ? File Manager, following our cPanel tutorial.


Restore Database

The second step is to restore the database of your Loaded Commerce website. For that purpose, you need to create a new and empty database on your account that will be used for the restore.

MySQL Configuration

You can create a new database and a user assigned to it via cPanel. Simply follow our MySQL Wizard tutorial for information on that.

When you create your new database, it is time to import the backup to it. Simply log into your cPanel account and locate the Databases tab. Click on the phpMyAdmin icon to access the service.

Select the newly created database from the list on the left-side of the screen.

Click on the Import button at the top menu.

Select the database dump file from your local computer and click on the Go button to complete the import.


Further reading:

How to install Loaded Commerce

Loaded commerce configuration and branding

Loaded commerce content management tutorial


Link the Files and Database

Up until now, you will have a location on the server that contains all of the files of your Loaded Commerce backup and a database that contains the data for your website. To complete the restore process, you need to link them together.

This is performed via the configuration file of your website. You need to edit it and set the new database details for your website, as well as the URL and file-paths that it will use.

Configuration File

We have an excellent tutorial, which will provide more details on how to locate and edit the Loaded Commerce Configuration File.

Note that this may differ from the previous configuration for your website, if you have decided that you wish to restore the backup on a different location.

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