SEO and Google News Update - December 2020

Google: Why You See Portions Of Your Site Go Up Or Down After Algorithm Updates Google's John Mueller said in a video hangout last week at the 37:02 mark that you can see parts or portions of your web site go up or down after an algorithm update. The reason for that is that some of Google's algorithms not only try to look at the "bigger picture ... Read More »

30th Dec 2020
SEO and Google News Update - November 2020

Google says it’s important that web pages are linked internally Google’s John Mueller said in a webmaster hangout that it is important that the pages on your website are linked from other pages of your website. You should make sure that you do have internal links pointing at your web pages. Otherwise, Google might ignore them: If you ... Read More »

7th Nov 2020
SEO and Google News Update - September 2020

How Google Handles Naked Links Google's John Mueller answers how Google handles bare URL inbound links that do not have an anchor text. In a Google Office Hours SEO hangout Google Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller answered how Google handles links that don’t have anchor text. In a follow up question he answered if text ... Read More »

3rd Oct 2020
SEO and Google News Update - August 2020

We present the latest news and critical updates that made the headlines on Google and in the SEO world. Happy reading. 1. Google says new websites on old domains aren’t automatically mobile-first If you buy an old domain name for your new website, it might be that Google uses the indexing settings of the old site with your new site until ... Read More »

31st Aug 2020
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