Can I Renew My Domain After Expiry?

There is a limited time available for you to renew an expired domain. You can still renew an expired domain but that will be within certain period. Normal renewal can take place within the first 27 to 30 days. This period is known as the grace period. After that period, your domain will move into a redemption period when it will cost you an additional $200 to recover the domain. During the period when your domain is in redemption, you will no longer be able to renew it from our account on Todhost.

The period within which your domain stays in the redemption state is not defined by the registrar. The registrar can decide to renew or not renew a domain that is within the control of the registrar and cannot be influenced by us.

Can You Get a Domain Out of Redemption?

This is an issue many of our customers have tried to do when in difficult condition and want to recover a lost domain. We have seen that attempts to bacorder a domain that is already in redemption with the hope of getting it immediately it is available from redemption state rather prolong its release. The registrar could find that the name is probably important to you and decide to extend its redemption period in other to get some more money out of your business. Sometimes, when you attempt to backorder a domain in redemption, it extends it by an additional 1 to 2 years before it is released. The way to go is to ensure that your domain does not expire. When it does before your knowledge, simply ensure its renewal within the period of 27 to 30 days grace period.
Once your domain is expired, you will will find it marked as expired in your account client area. You can still be able to renew it as long as it is still within the grace period. In the Todhost client area, you will not see your domain marked as been in the grace or redemption period. It will simply show as active or expired. To determine the state of the domain, you will have to check the expiry date and see if it is within 30 days or more. If it is more than 30 days, then it is likely already in the redemption period. You may contact customer support to confirm the true state for you.
Also read:

Domain Management From the Todhost Client Area

What Happens When Your Domains Expire?

Domains are very important and they could be taken away if not properly protected.

A simple example will help us here:

XYZ domain could be a ell known, for good reason, in the world of web hosting. After building a strong reputation, the domain name expires and not renewed believing that no one else would want the unique name.

First the domain went through the deletion cycle. As soon as the name become available, someone purchased xyz domain again. Let us assume the new owner is ABC.

What could make it worse is that the new domain owner decides to scrap the information from We learned afterwards that scraping old content is a popular tactic for cybersquatters. Once they grab your domain, they then also grab your old content. is the ideal source from which to steal your content.

The site is now owned by a "ABC", The old domain name now ranks #1 when searching Google for the personal name.

What does the original owner do? He or she may decide to buy an alternative domain: let's say xyzonline and create a new landing page.
Also read:

Domain Management From the Todhost Client Area

How can you protect yourself?

Here's what I recommend you do to protect yourself and your domain name:

Purchase the .com, .net and .biz versions of your business name, as well as any common misspellings.
Register the most important version of your domain name for many years. We've registered some of our best domains for 10 years in the future.
Use domain name registrars with added security. has a security feature and claims their domains never lost a domain.
If you are outside the US, also register your country's domain extension, like .uk Assign the new domains as permanent 301 redirects to your main domain name.
If your current domain name does not include your personal name, be sure to have a page like an About page that features your name in the Title tag, meta description tag, and H1 tag at minimum. This can help you rank for a search for your name, hopefully ABOVE your cybersquatter's site.
Register the websites for our own name, and perhaps even create a separate, personal website.
Always make sure you control your own domain name. Don't leave it in the hands of your webdesign company or a 3rd party.
Also read:

Domain Management From the Todhost Client Area

Our domain registration comes with the following free offers:

URL Forwarding (no-ads)
Redirect your domain visitors to any URL or website of your choice. You can cloak the URL to hide the destination
Reliable DNS servers
Modify record types like A address, MX, MXE, CNAME and TXT in real time and at no extra cost.

Email Forwarding (no-ads)
Create and redirect @yourdomain.tld email addresses to other email accounts of your choice.
Dynamic DNS
Takes care of a dynamically changing IP address and keeps your site running without downtime.

Security Features
Modification Rights
Retain full control of the domain while granting access just to certain domain editing features to your customers or co-workers.

WhoisGuard Privacy Protect
Keeps your contact details safe by replacing it with our contact information on WHOIS.

Registrar Lock
Stops unauthorized domain transfers to some other registrar. You can enable/disable this option anytime you want.

Security Notifications
Configure your account to send email notices when any change is made to your domain settings.
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