
Manage Products in PrestaShop

In this post, we cover all aspects related to adding, editing and the entire product management in PrestaShop


Further reading:
PrestaShop Store Management Tutorial


How to Add Product to your PrestaShop Store

For any Ecommerce Store, products plays an important role in store. In this section, we will guide you on How to Add Product PrestaShop

Log in Dashboard -> Navigate to Catalog ( Products ) -> New Product or ” Ctrl +P”

– Specify the name of product & product types:

    • Standard product
    • Pack of products
    • Virtual product


Further reading:

PrestaShop Store Management Tutorial


Then you should enter the following information:

1. Basic settings:

You should add all product basic information: Name, Image, Summary & Description.

Product name: Place title of products
Drag n drop or Upload Product ‘s Image:

Then Add product Features, Brand, Related Products:

+ Add A Feature: You can add Feature for product, where you can add color, size, dimension and others.

+ Add the Brand name: Allows to add brand name of product which will be shown at detail product page.


Reference & Combinations:

+ Reference:

+ Combination: Allow to set variations item option you want to combine.

Categories: Assign category for product. If it doesn’t have category, you can click at “Create a New Category”.


Further reading:
PrestaShop Store Management Tutorial


How to Add Product Price & Quantity PrestaShop

Set price & product quantity, minimum quantity for sale, stock alerts or availability preferences, which are available on your store.

Add Product Shipping PrestaShop

Available multiple choice for shipping. You can set:
+ Package Dimension (cm) : From width, height, Depth and Weight

+ Delivery Time: Set time for shipping.

+ Shipping Fees: If there is any fee for shipping, you can create shipping fee here.


Further reading:
PrestaShop Store Management Tutorial


How to Add Product Price PrestaShop

Set price for product (include tax or non-tax), price per unit, tax rule, cost price or specific price. With specific price, you can show discount for this product on your store with period of time, currencies applied, countries, customers group, etc.


Add Product SEO

For online store, SEO is the shortest way to allow customers can find your product among billions of products on the worldwide in the internet. Simple way to add Meta Title & Meta Description, Friendly URL, Redirect Page when you are OFFLINE to help you launch store successfully with amazing sale.


Further reading:
PrestaShop Store Management Tutorial

Add Product Visibility:

Set place which you want to show product when search only, catalog only, nowhere, everywhere, etc Product Tag: Separate by comma between product tags which is described of product.

And Product Customization:


How to Fix Issues With PrestaShop Blank Product Page

This tutorial shows how to fix the blank product page issue in PrestaShop. Today we will show how you can fix the blank page appearing instead of your product page when you click on the product.

The issue of the blank product page can occur in PrestaShop due to the following reasons:

  • upgrading Prestoshop version from the previous ones
  • server settings
  • third party modules installed
  • migration from subdomain to domain

To fix the blank product page, please try the possible fixes below:

  1. Clear Smarty and web browser cache, especially if the problem appeared after moving your site from subdomain to domain.

  2. If any third party modules were installed, go to Modules -> Modules in your admin and disable the module(s):

  3. Deleting and regenerating the .htaccess file can solve the problem.

    In order to do it, delete the .htaccess file from the root directory on the server using FTP or in cPanel (do not forget to make a back up of the file first) and refresh your front office:

  4. Another thing worth doing is activating a debug mode and setting _PS_MODE_DEV_ to true.

    To activate a debug mode, you need to open config/ file on your server and find the following lines:

    @ini_set('display_errors', 'off');
    define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', false)

    change ‘off’ to ‘on’ and false to true, like this:

    @ini_set('display_errors', 'on');<br>define('_PS_DEBUG_SQL_', true);

    We strongly recommend that you make a back up before modifying the file.

    Besides, you may need to change the setting for _PS_MODE_DEV_. Open config/ file on the server and find the following line:

    define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false);

    change it to

    define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);

    Be sure to make a back up before editing the file:

  5. One more possible solution is increasing memory limit for the site.

    This can be done either by adding the following code in


    or edit memory limit in the php.ini located in the root of your Prestashop installation folder (if you do not have such a file in the root of your site folder, you can simply create a new text file and name it “php.ini” and upload it on the server):

    memory_limit = 256M;


Please note that the above described methods may not always help depending on the circumstances and environment of your Prestashop site. In this case, we recommend that you visit Prestashop official forum or/and contact your hosting provider.


How to Add Product Attributes in Prestashop

Customers always have different options for a product. For example, people can have their different favorite color for the iPhone they want to buy. We call these product variations “attributes”. And the price of a product can be also changed depending on its attributes. This tutorial will find out “How to Add Product Attributes Prestashop 1.7”.


1. Open Product Attribute Management Page

In the tab Attributes, you can see a few predefined attributes items. Click to “Edit” button if you want to change them.


2. Add Product Attributes Prestashop

Click on “Add new attribute” to add a group of variation possibilities (for example, colors, sizes, material,…)


Next, complete the required fields:

  • Name: The name of the attribute. Make sure that it is short and clear to avoid confusion with others.
  • Public name: This name will be displayed to the customers on the product page.
  • Attribute type: choose the way to display this attribute as drop-down list, Radio buttons, Colour or texture.

Then, click on “Save” button to create a new attribute.


3. Add Attributes Value Prestashop

Now you can see a new attribute named “Color” that appears in the list. Now, you must add values to your attribute by clicking on Add new value.

Next, fill out the required fields:


  • Attribute group: Choose the attribute that you have just created.
  • Value: Give a value to the attribute: “Red”, “16 Gb”, “1.21 gigawatts”…
  • Colour: Cause your attribute is a color, you can set up the required color. You can choose from the color picker board or insert the code of color.
  • Texture. You can upload an image to define the texture or type of your product. This image will be displayed on a product page.

Then, click on “Save” button to create a new value. You can also continue to create more values for the same attribute type by clicking on “Save then add another value” button.

After completing, you can back to the attribute management page, click on the attribute you have just created and see its values.

This is all about “How to Add Product Attributes Prestashop?. If you have any problems in the implementation process, do not hesitate to contact us to get some help!


How to Manage Order Status in Prestashop

To manage your products or orders easily as well as let your customers check the status of his/her order, you should have a list of distinctive order statuses. This tutorial will walk you through step by step “How to Manage Order Status Prestashop”. Follow these guided steps, it’s not difficult at all.

In terms of this blog, I will show you the best way to manage order status in Prestashop Store with the following steps:

+ Add New Order Status Prestashop

+ Edit Order Status Prestashop


1. Open Order Status Management Prestashop

Dashboard –> Shop Parameters -> Order Settings:

Next, move to the tab Statuses, where you will manage order status. In this tab, you can see a list of predefined order statuses, each of which has a different color, icon, and a title.

o edit the predefined status items, click to Edit button.


2. Add New Order Status Prestashop

You can create a new status item by clicking “Add new order status”:

3. Then, fill in the required fields


  • Status name: choose the title of your new status.
  • Icon: the icon of the new status.
  • Color: the color of the status.
  • Consider the associated order as validated: if checked, this status marks all associated orders as “paid”, and puts them in this same status.
  • Allow a customer to download and view PDF versions of their invoice: It allows a customer to download PDF versions of an invoice in his/her account.
  • Hide the state in all customer orders: Customers will never see statuses on their order status page.
  • Send an email to the customer when his/her order status has changed – When checked, a customer should receive notifications via email about changes of order status. A drop-down menu appears to let you choose which mail template to use.
  • Attach invoice PDF to an email – send an email with the invoice PDF attached to the customer.
  • Attach delivery slip PDF to an email – send an email with the delivery slip PDF attached to the customer.
  • Set the order as shipped: once an order is set as “shipped”, it cannot be set back to the previous status.
  • Set the order as paid: once an order is set as “paid”, it cannot be set back to the previous status.
  • Show delivery PDF: Display the delivery PDF.

After completing, click “Save” to create a new status item.

That’s all about “How to Manage Order Status Prestashop 1.7. Hopefully, this tutorial will be helpful for you.


How to Add New Category in Prestashop

Using product categories is already best solution to sort your store content & better customers shopping experience. It allows to search & find products quickly & easily. So category is a crucial factors for any Prestashop Store & Others Opensource.

In terms of this tutorial, I will show you “How to Add Category Prestashop“ in detail. So you should experience on:

  1. Admin Dashboard -> Catalog -> Categories:
  2. 2. Add New Category Prestashop:

Click at the icon plus “+” to “Create New Category”:


Then Fill Category Information:

  • Name: Named title of your store categories will be. They are Women, Men, Kids, etc
  • Display: Choose Yes/No
  • Parent Category: Select Parent of your category.
  • Description: Add the short description of your category
  • Category Cover Image: Allows to upload image for your category
  • Meta Keyword: Place keyword about your category which customers think, search & looking for.
  • Friendly URL: URL of your category with short, ease to remember, friendly with search engine
  • Group Access: Set permission for groups of customers who are able to access to category.


Then -> Save

Finally, Clean Cache & Refresh The Page

You’ve “Add New Category Prestashop” successfully. If you have any question relate our tutorial, please feel free to leave your message here to get our support.


How to Add Tax Rules in Prestashop

Tax rule is used to apply a certain tax rate for a single country a set of countries. In Prestashop, you cannot directly apply a tax to a product. You can only apply tax rules instead. In this tutorial, I will show you “Ultimate Prestashop Guide for Add Tax Rules Prestashop?

Add Tax Rule Prestashop should be followed by these steps:

  • Open Dashboard Prestashop
  • Add Tax Rule Prestashop

1. Open Tax Rules Management

Prestashop Dashboard –> International –> Tax –> Tax Rules

2. Add Tax Rules Prestashop

2.1 Ad New Tax Rule Group:

Click to “+” button to Add new tax rules group

Name the rule. Use a telling name: use the tax rule’s country code, its name, perhaps even its rate, in order to find it again easily.

Then click to Enable if you want to activate it immediately or leave it Disabled until you will need it.

Next, press Save and stay. The page reloads and an additional table appears at the bottom.

2.2 Specify the country and behaviors:

Now fill in the required fields, including:

  • Country: where you want to apply the current rule.
  • State: After choosing the country, you will have to select the state if available. To select more than one state, pressing Ctrl while clicking.
  • Zip/postal code range: specify customer’s zip code range in which the tax should be applied.
  • Behavior: Customer’s address can match more than one of your tax rules. In that case, you can choose how this tax rule should behave:
    • This tax only: only apply this tax
    • Combine: Combine taxes. For example: $100 + (15% + 5% => 20%) => $120.
    • One after another: Apply taxes one after another. For example: $100 + 10% => $110 + 5% => $115.5
  • Tax: select the tax to be used for this tax rule from the drop-down list.
  • Description: add more some detail about this tax rule.

Finally, click to “Save and stay” & Clear Cache & Refresh the page


How to Add Category Link to Menu in Prestashop

To continuing series tutorial Prestashop 1.7, today, I will guide you “How to Add Category Link Menu Prestashop”

To Add Category Link to Menu Prestashop, you should create “Category” first then you “Create menu & assign link category to you new menu”.

  • Add New Category Prestashop
  • Add Category Link to Menu Prestashop


1. Add New Category Prestashop:

To get detail steps above

2. Add Category Link Menu Prestashop

Create/ Edit Menu Prestashop

Back to Pts Mega Menu -> Mega Menu:

At the box of “Select or Create New Group Menu”: Choose “Mega Menu” -> “Select “

If you don’t have any “Group Menu” here, you can Create New Group Menu here.

At “Menu Item Information”, you should notice at:

  • Menu Type: Choose “Category”
  • Menu Types: Choose “Category” you want to “Add Link to menu”

Then “Save” the menu

Finally, Clean Cache & Refresh The Page

You’ve finished this setup “Add Category Link Menu Prestashop” successfully. If you have any question relate our tutorial, please feel free to leave your message here to get our support.


How to Add Carrier in PrestaShop

Usually, big carriers have modules integrated with Prestashop, but others don’t. This tutorial shows you step by step “How to Add Carrier PrestaShop”.

1. Open Prestashop Carriers Management page

Prestashop Dashboard ? Shipping ? Carriers

Click to Add new carrier to open Carrier Wizard tool


2. Add carrier in Prestashop by using the Carrier Wizard

2.1. General settings

You will fill in some required information, including:

  • Carrier name: enter the carrier’s title
  • Transit time: the estimated time to deliver products.
  • Speed grade: from 0 (very slow) to 9 (very fast).
  • Logo: upload the carrier company logo
  • Tracking URL: Package delivery tracking


2.2. Shipping locations and costs

  • Add handling costs: include or exclude the handling costs (as set in Shipping > Preferences) in the final carrier price.
  • Free shipping: Enable if you want to offer customers free shipping
  • Billing: Charge your customers for shipping by selecting either According to total price or According to total weight.
  • Tax: Select the products tax type.
  • Out-of-range behavior: Choose what to do if a product ordered is out of the scope of the carrier. There are 2 choices here: Apply the cost of the highest defined range or Disable carrier.
  • Ranges: Base on the choice of billing (total price or total weight), you will fill these values which will indicate that some carrier options will not be available while others will only appear at a certain value.


2.3. Set Size, Weight and Group access

Fill some parameters in the empty field to set maximum values for size, weight and group access. These fields are optional.


2.4. Summary

Review your settings for this carrier.

  • Click to Disable if you want to save the carrier as a draft,
  • Either way, press Finish to save and create the carrier.

Now you can see the new carrier appears on the list.

That’s all steps in Prestashop Tutorial ” How to Add carrier Prestashop 1.7? . Now you can add your favorite carrier to your products!


How to manage New, Featured and Special products In PrestaShop

PrestaShop allows you to add products as new, featured and special products for your store.

New Products: Latest products in your store.
Featured Products: If you want to emphasize the most important (best-selling, most recent, highest quality) product, then you can add all those products under Featured Products.
Special Products: If you want to highlight certain products with special price that products comes under Special Products.

In PrestaShop some free and paid add-on are also available to manage new, features and special product in separate block on home pages.

Following step will explain you how to manage default New/Featured/Special products in Prestashop store.

We have added a test product in order to show up changes we will perform in modules.


New Products Module

You can set the number so that a new product will display a New tag for a specific number of days. This could be a week, a month, or whatever you decide. Setting the number of days a product will show up as New in PrestaShop

  • We have added Test Product product to home category as you can see in our previous screenshot.
  • Next Go to Modules -> Modules and search for new product block and click on configure. Now you are on New products block screen. Here you can set number of products to display and set if block should show up even if there are no new products. We can see that five products show up now.
  • Next Go to Preferences -> Products
  • Now find the field labeled Number of days for which the product is considered ‘NEW’ and enter the number of days you wish for the item to display the NEW! tag.
  • Click on Save button to save all changes.
  • On front-office new product look like


Special Products Module

You need to add a discount for product. After that it will show up in Specials module.

  • First go to Catalog -> Products it will display the list of products select a product which you want to make as special product.
  • Next click on Edit icon of selected product.
  • Next click on Prices tab from list of tabs on left side.
  • Now you are in Product price screen.
    Click on Add a New Specific Price button.
    Here you can add discount in amount or percentage for particular customer or particular time period.
  • Let’s check module settings. Next Go to Modules -> Modules and search for special product block and click on configure.
    You can access them in Specials module. You can set number of cached files and select if module should show up even if there are no Special products.
  • On front-office new product look like

Featured Products Module

The Featured Products block is shown below the Homepage Text on your PrestaShop home page
Following are the step to manage featured products.

  • You can define number of products in featured module settings. Featured module settings you can access in Modules->Modules section and search for special product block and click on configure.
  • In the above screenshot the field provided, enter in the number of products you want to be displayed in the Featured Products block on your PrestaShop home page and click Save .
  • The number of products shown in your Featured Products block on your PrestaShop home page is now updated.
  • Home category is used for module. Filter products by category, select Home category as this category is used for featured module.
  • The list of products is in the same order as they will appear in the Featured Products block. To change the order of products, click the black arrows and drag the product either up or down in the list .
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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