osCommerce Configuration Tutorial

After a successful installation of your osCommerce ecommerce website, you now need to set it up with the basic configuration. This tutorial details the key configuration you will need to undertae after an osCommerce installation.

  1. Locate osCommerce configuration files
  2. Configure store information in osCommerce
  3. Manage Payment Modules
  4. Manage Shipping Methods
  5. Manage currencies
  6. Manage Tax Rates
  7. Manage Customers in osCommerce


Also read: osCommerce Security Tutorial


1. Locate osCommerce configuration files

When it comes to website development using osCommerce, most of your work will be handled via the administrative area of your website. Still, there are certain tasks that may require editing of the main configuration file of osCommerce. We will review how to locate and edit the file so you can take advantage of that.

Also read: osCommerce Installation and Initial Setup

First and foremost, you will have to locate the directory, where your osCommerce website is installed. If you are accessing it directly via the primary domain of your account, this indicates that the location of your website is the public_html/ directory of your account. However, this may differ if you are using a subfolder or subdomain.

In osCommerce, there are two main configuration files that you need to be aware of. One is for your website’s front end and one for the administrative area. Access the directory of your website on the server and navigate to the following two files:


Both files contain similar information, such as the details for the database used on your website.

define('DB_SERVER', 'localhost');
define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', 'oscom_osc');
define('DB_SERVER_PASSWORD', 'p4ssw0rd');
define('DB_DATABASE', 'oscom_osc');

Also, the file contains information about the location of your store on the server, as well as the domain name assigned to it:

define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://oscom.fcomet.com');
define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'http://oscom.fcomet.com');
define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', '/home/oscom/public_html/');

2. Configure store information in osCommerce

Next, you will need to review the basic configuration of your osCommerce store. This is a good way of editing the general information for your website, such as the name, email, address and much more.

First and foremost, you will have to log into your website as administrator. Click on the Configuration tab from the main menu and then My Store.

There is a list of options that you can edit from there. We will review the actual options that will put some kind of description for your store:

  • Store Name - Enter the name of your actual store. It will be displayed for all visitors on your website
  • Store Owner - Enter the name of the store owner
  • Email Address - Enter the system email address of your online store
  • Email From - If you are using PHP mail() function, you can enter the email to be used here
  • Country - The country of your physical store
  • Zone - Enter the timezone
  • Store Address and Phone - Enter the physical address of your store and the phone number

If you wish to change any of the options, simply click on it. For example, we will change the Store Name so we can clicked on it. On the right side of the screen, you will notice a box, where you can enter your new store name. Click on the Save button to update the option.

3. Manage payment methods in osCommerce

You will also need to review the installation of payments modules on your osCommerce website. This allows you to receive payments whenever a visitor attempts to purchase a product from your website. It is important that you provide the best payment options for your clients.

To install a payment module on your osCommerce website, you first need to log in as administrator. Click on the Modules tab and then Payment.

Click on the Install Module button to proceed.

Choose the module that you wish to install and then select it. Click on the Install Module button to complete the process.

Access the Payment Manager again and select the newly installed payment module. Click on the Edit button to configure it properly so you can take payments.

4. Manage shipping methods

Next, you need to review the shipping modules on your osCommerce website and how to install them. You will also review the configuration of the shipping modules.

First, log into your osCommerce website as administrator. Click on the Modules tab on the left-side menu and then Shipping.

Click on the Install Modules button to enable a shipping method on your website.

Select the Shipping module that you wish to enable on your website and then click on the Install Module button on it’s right.

Get back to the Shipping Manager and select the module you have just installed. Click on the Edit button in the right-side box to configure it per your needs. Also, you can choose the Remove Module button to disable the shipping method on your website.

5. How to Manage Currencies in osCommerce

Here, you will learn how to manage the currencies on your osCommerce website. This is a necessary configuration as it will allow your visitors to browse products on your website and review their value using their own currency.

First, you need to log into your osCommerce website as administrator. Click on the Localization button on the left-side menu and then Currencies.

Click on the New Currency button to create one.

Enter the new currency details:

  • Title - Enter the title of the new currency
  • Code - Enter the code of the new currency
  • Symbol Left/Right - Enter the appropriate symbol of the new currency
  • Decimal/Thousands point - Enter the appropriate points used on the currency
  • Decimal Places - Specify the number of decimal places after the point
  • Value - Enter the value of the new currency, compared to the default currency on your website

Click on the Save button to create the new currency on your website. If you wish to manage the existing ones, you need to access the Currency Manager again. Select a currency and click on the Edit or Delete button on the right-side block.

6. Manage Tax Rates in osCommerce

Here, we show you how the process of managing the tax rates on your osCommerce website. The process will allow you to apply taxes for products on your website.

First, you will have to log into your website as administrator. Click on the Locations/Taxes option from the main menu and then Tax Rates.

You will be presented with a list of the available tax rates on your website. To create a new tax rate, you simply need to click on the New Tax Rate button.

You will be able to edit the options for the new tax rate on the right-side section of the screen. The available options are:

  • Tax Class Title - Choose a tax class for the new rate
  • Zone - Choose the tax zone for the new tax rate
  • Tax Rate - You need to enter the value for the new tax rate. It is a percentage
  • Priority - Set the priority of the new tax rate

When ready, simply click on the Save button to create the new tax rate on your website.

Tax Classes & Zones

You can create new tax classes and tax zones the same way. Access your website's administrative area and navigate to Locations/Taxes > Tax Classes/Tax Zones.

You also have the ability to manage the existing tax rate on your website. Simply access the same list again and select the existing tax rate that you wish to manage. You can then click on the Edit or Delete button on it’s rate.

7. How to Manage Customers in osCommerce

We will now show you how to manage the customers on your osCommerce website. You will first have to log in as administrator. Click on the Customers tab from the left-side menu and then Customers again.

The system will display all of the customers on your website. Select the one that you wish to manage and you will notice a set of buttons on it’s right side.

  1. Edit: The Edit button will take you to the customer’s personal information. From there, you will be able to edit that information and save the changes for the customers.
  2. Delete: This button will remove the customer from your website. Choose carefully as you will not be able to reverse the changes without restoring a backup.
  3. Orders: This button will take you to a list of all orders made by the customer in question. This will allow you to track them down easily.
  4. Email: You can easily contact the client using this option. Sending an email to notify him about a new promotion or something else is a good option for you.


osCommerce Web Hosting with Todhost

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Why Choose Todhost!

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We are passionate about what we do
We listen to your feedback
We provide a high level of support
We focus on the quality of our services
We have lots of tutorials on how to get your website up and running
We do not oversell our web hosting services

We are passionate about what we do
Web hosting is not just our business, it is our passion and we love it and are very serious about it. That is why we have invested so much in building a strong and reliable infrastructure that supports your web hosting needs. With years of experience and a strong support team, we have built a network that satisfies our high quality standards and our expectations remains that you will also love our web hosting quality.

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You are the reason we are here at Todhost and your feedback is the most reliable source of information for our continuous improvement program. We listen to your feedback and act on it in the best way we can. We encourage you to continue to provide this feedback especially as it regards your quality expectations and we assure you that we shall continue to implement new improvements to keep our customers happy.

We provide a high level of support
Todhost currently gives very high rating to customer support. We currently provide support through telephone calls, ticketing system, knowledgebase articles and email contact. Our ticket response time is under one hour and we attend to telephone complaints immediately. Should you have any need for support, just email our support department or use the contact us form to open a ticket and we will get back to you immediately. Our customer support team work from Monday to Sunday, 24/7. Our knowledgebase is a pool of articles dealing with various topics and provide a step-by-step guide to most of the questions we have received and also have answers to most the problems our clients have faced. We hope the tutorials will answer most of the fundamental questions clients may want to ask. Should our knowledgebase articles not provide the needed answer, you can still submit a ticket to support.

We focus on the quality of our services
We have always never compromised on quality. And that is why we give a guarantee of 99.99% up-time and provide a reliable customer support. Our quality guidelines cover not just your web hosting but also customer support. We guarantee a robust disk space, bandwidth, web building scripts, and network security. You may want to view the details of our web hosting packages.

We have lots of tutorials on how to get your website up and running
As part of our support, we have provided you with tons of knowledgebase tutorials developed from the most frequently asked questions from our customers. We are sure you will find them most useful.

We do not oversell our web hosting services
We do not oversell our space and cause our servers to be unnecessarily slow.. Our offers are moderate and our packages are all moderately priced to get you started with ease. If you face any challenge in the cause of your work, do contact our customer support for help.
We are passionate about what we do
Web hosting is not just our business, it is our passion and we love it and are very serious about it. That is why we have invested so much in building a strong and reliable infrastructure that supports your web hosting needs. With years of experience and a strong support team, we have built a network that satisfies our high quality standards and our expectations remains that you will also love our web hosting quality.

We listen to your feedback
You are the reason we are here at Todhost and your feedback is the most reliable source of information for our continuous improvement program. We listen to your feedback and act on it in the best way we can. We encourage you to continue to provide this feedback especially as it regards your quality expectations and we assure you that we shall continue to implement new improvements to keep our customers happy.

We provide a high level of support
Todhost currently gives very high rating to customer support. We currently provide support through telephone calls, ticketing system, knowledgebase articles and email contact. Our ticket response time is under one hour and we attend to telephone complaints immediately. Should you have any need for support, just email our support department or use the contact us form to open a ticket and we will get back to you immediately. Our customer support team work from Monday to Sunday, 24/7. Our knowledgebase is a pool of articles dealing with various topics and provide a step-by-step guide to most of the questions we have received and also have answers to most the problems our clients have faced. We hope the tutorials will answer most of the fundamental questions clients may want to ask. Should our knowledgebase articles not provide the needed answer, you can still submit a ticket to support.

We focus on the quality of our services
We have always never compromised on quality. And that is why we give a guarantee of 99.99% up-time and provide a reliable customer support. Our quality guidelines cover not just your web hosting but also customer support. We guarantee a robust disk space, bandwidth, web building scripts, and network security. You may want to view the details of our web hosting packages.

We have lots of tutorials on how to get your website up and running
As part of our support, we have provided you with tons of knowledgebase tutorials developed from the most frequently asked questions from our customers. We are sure you will find them most useful.

We do not oversell our web hosting services
We do not oversell our space and cause our servers to be unnecessarily slow.. Our offers are moderate and our packages are all moderately priced to get you started with ease. If you face any challenge in the cause of your work, do contact our customer support for help.

Learn more from our Knowledgebase tutorials

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