cPanel Login Tutorial

This tutorial is a step by step cPanel login guide. It takes you through how to login to the CPanel section of your website. It would be ideal if you take after the progressions underneath to login to your site CPanel. We will also look at some of the things that can inhibit you from a successful login to the cPanel section of your website.


Further reading:


To login to the secured cPanel section of your website, you will need to take the following steps:

1. Enter the website url -

2. Enter username (on todhost, this will more often than not be the initial eight letters of you site url

3. Enter your secret key, popularly called a password. This will be contained in the "New Account Information" likewise called the "welcome email" which would have been sent to you when your web hosting record was first created. On the off chance that you can't discover this data, login to the client area on Todhost to reset your password and proceed with login. You can also request our customer support to resend the "New Account Information" email by sending a ticket from your client area to Todhost customer support.

Once you get the required data and enter them properly, you will have the capacity to login to visit site control panel from where you can modify your site information, send messages to Todhost support and use different other functionalities.

The following ling is a tutorial which guides you on the best way to reset login to your customer area on How to Reset Client Login on Todhost


Further reading:


Login to cPanel Through the Todhost Client Area

You can login to your cPanel through your Todhost client area. To do this, just follow this steps:

  1. Visit the Todhost client area page
  2. Enter your email and password for authentication. The email you enter should be the one you used when you signed up for our services.
  3. Once you have successfully logged in, click on services. You should see a list of all web hosting service you have ordered with Todhost. You will also notice that your services will indicate if it is active, suspended, cancelled or terminated.
  4. Click on the "Active" button for your active service corresponding with the domain whose cPanel login you intend to change.
  5. Scroll down to Quickk Shortcuts. There you will find a direct link to access to the following in cPanel: Email Accounts, Forwarders, Autoresponders, File Manager, Backup, Subdomains, Addon Domains, Cron Jobs, MySQL Databases, phpMyAdmin and Awstats

Read more cPanel tutorials:How To Create, Edit, and Delete a File in CPanel Using File Manager

Missed Your Todhost Client Area Credentials? You Can Reset It

You can recover your client area login credentials by following these simple steps::

  1. Visit the Todhost client area page
  2. Click on reset password link
  3. Enter the email you have registered with Todhost. That should be the email you used when creating your account. It should never be the email of the domain you have registered or hosted with Todhost.
  4. Click the Submit button. That will send a password reset link to your email
  5. Check your email and proceed with Password reset.

Also read: Cannot See My Website Online After Upload, Why?

You ought to now have the capacity to login to cpanel region of your site.

I Am Unable To Login to cPanel

There are cases when you will be unable to login to the cPanel section of your active website. There a few things that could cause this problem.

1. You have entered a wrong username or password You could erroneously enter wrong login details. If your username or password are wrong, you will be unable to access cPanel.

2. Your connection IP is being banned by brute force: If in the course of trying to login, your connection IP is banned by server security software, you will be unable to login for some time. You will have to wait for a while, up to 30minites before you can login again. You may want to learn more on BruteForce prorection.

3. Your connection IP changes frequently. There are times when you can login successfully but you logged almost simultaneously. This is most likely due to a change in your connection IP. You may want to check with this url before and after a logout to determine if it is due to IP changes. If it is so, then you need to contact your service provider or change your connection.

Also read: Getting Familiar With the cPanel User Environment

cPanel Login Invalid: What Should I do?

You have tried to login to your website control panel, your reseller whm or your VPS or dedicated server whm and you are presented with the error message: login invalid! It means you will not be able to login to control panel as you have been locked out of your account.

Why Does This Happen

This happens because of your IP address had been blocked by cphulkd for BruteForce. This is a security provision on web servers to prevent attempt to compromise web servers through frequent login attempts.

Also read: How Do I Create and Delete a Parked Domain

What is cPHulk ?

cPhulk is similar to web server Firewall feature. With cphulk, cPanel will give you and extra measure of protection from attacks like bruteforce. Suppose someone is trying to compromise your server using random logins, that is, the person attempts to login, he fails and tries again and again with the hope of a successful login, cPhulk is a feature which blocks such attempts and bars the intruder for a period prescribed in your BruteForce protection settings on the server. This settings can only be set buy a permitted user and not a shared account holder.

So from the above description you can see that this is an important feature of cPanel/WHM. It is not recommended that this feature be disabled. Disabling this feature will not be a good idea, instead you can white-list your IP address on the BruteForce protection. So it will allow connections from your IP address.

BruteForce Login Errors

This shows you a list of the IP addresses that have attempted to login to your account and have been blocked by BruteForce protection. You can see the errors related to blocked connections by cphulkd for BruteForce from the cPanel error log itself,

This error occurs mostly when your IP address has changed because you have recently reconnected your internet solution or you use a solution that dynamically changes your IP address even while your connection is on.


1. Wait for at least 15minites before you attempt to connect again.

2. If your problem persists after 15minites and try to re-connect again. The 15 minutes wait is recommended because on most web servers, BruteForce protection will ban an IP for failed login for 15 minutes. If the failed login attempts is huge, up to 30 failed attempts, the length of the ban will increase.

3. Whitelist your IP address: You can whitelist your set of IP addresses so that BruteForce will never have to place any restriction on your IP. Please be mindful of whitelisting IPs to be sure you are not granting such permission to the IP of a visitor or attacker.

3. If this does not fix the issue, then let customer support know about it so that you can be assisted further.

Network Related Issues

Additionally, we have observed issues with some networks. For instance, the IP addresses of some mobile internet providers change quite often and in less that 1minite, it could change twice even while your internet is connected. This will result in frequent logout and your IP can be blocked in the process. But the problem is that even if your IP is whitelisted, because of the frequent changes even while you are connected, fresh login requests will come up and can really affect your work online.

If you check with whatismyip to see that you are logged out frequently because of frequent IP change, you will consider changing your internet connection.

I lost or forgot my Todhost Billing Account login password. How do I get it?

When you originally signed up for your account, we sent you an email containing your billing area login information. For security reasons, the login information for the billing area is different from the login for your hosting control panel..

The billing login is your email address and billing password.

If you have forgotten your client area / billing area login, please visit the client area and reset it

There is a link that says "Forgot your password" that you can use to retrieve your password. It will be emailed to the email we have on file for you (typically the one you gave us at sign up).

Not working?

If you still cannot login:

Be sure you are using the primary email address (the email you gave us during sign-up).
Enter your email address in all lowercase.
Remember that the password is case sensitive. Make sure your caps lock is off.
Be careful when you copy & paste. It is easy to inadvertently copy extra blank space at the beginning or end of your password.

If you still cannot login, please contact our support via live chat, phone, or email customer support for help.

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