How do I create and remove an Addon Domain?

An add-on domain is a separate domain name that you add to your web hosting subscription with What this means is that after you activate your web hosting subscription, you probably registered some other domain name without creating a hosting account for it. You nnow decide to add your etra domain to your eisting hosting account. The extra domain is an add-on domain. It allows you to have a fully functional website using your eisting web hosting account without having to pay seperately for web hosting.

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An add-on domain gives access to the same services as your web hosting package, but without the need for extra web space.
It saves you some etra costs as you only pay for the yearly domain fee, which makes it a lot cheaper than a full hosting subscription.

What are the requirements for an add-on domain

You just need an eisting hosting account to be able to create add-ons. You can create as many add-on domain for as much asis allowed on your web hosting plan. Please note that your new add-on domains will wor in the following way:

The add-on domain will be linked to an eisting account and will share the same cPanel login cedentials with the parent. That means, if you created an add-on under Todhost's parent domain, you will have to manage your add-on by using the cPanel login of Todhost. If your new add-on is, you cannot manage the add-on from

Note: Your ability to createadd-on is dependent on the number of add-on allowed for every web hosting package. In some cases, you will find that you are not able to creatte add-on domains for cheap and small packages and to use add-ons, you need a higher level web hosting subscription. That is because the web hosting company does not want to offer or allow add-ons for all packages.

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The Path to an Addon Domain

How can you trace the Path to an Addon Domain?

The path to an addon domain is public_html/ and can be accessed via File Manager or FTP. Please remember to replace with the actual domain name.

Any easy way to access this folder is to:

Log into cPanel.
Click the Addon Domains icon.
Click the link under Document Root to be taken to the correct folder in File Manager.

If you still need help, please feel free to contact Todhost via phone or submit a ticket.

What are the uses of my add-on domain

Because has the same functionality as your parent website you will find out that having an add-on offers these benefits:

Create another website - With an add-on domain, it is as good as owning multiple websites by just using just one subscription.
Attract more vistors with a redirect - If you notice a common mispelling of your domain name and you want to redirect all such cases to your parent domain, the way to go is to register the mispelling, set it up as an add-on domain and redirect your mispelt domain name to the parent. That way your visitors will still end up on your website, even if they have typed your domain wrongly.

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How do I create an Addon

From the explanation provided above, you would have understood that an addon domain is a secondary domain hosted on a cPanel account. Addon domains typically have their own distinct website.

Note: You may not be able to create an Addon Domain if you do not own (register) the domain name, or if your name servers (DNS) have not propagated.

Special Note for Resellers: You will not be able to create an Addon Domains in your cPanels unless you allow more than 0 (zero) in your packages. You must also have subdomains set to a number equal to (or greater than) the number of addon domains you wish to allow.

Creating an Addon Domain

With Addon Domains you can host multiple different domains with different website content, all under the same disk space and bandwidth of one cPanel.

Note: Your control panel may look slightly different depending on the theme you are using, however the steps will be the same for all themes based off of the X3 theme.

To create a second domain name with its own website, please do the following:

Login to your cPanel and click Addon Domains, under Domains. There are three fields cPanel asks for when creating an Addon Domain.

New Domain Name: Enter the new, but do not put http or www in the name.
Username/directory/subdomain Name: This will be the folder cPanel creates in your public_html folder. Normally, you want to ensure the name you provide doesn't already exist as a folder in public_html, but cPanel will automatically suggest the name and we recommend you stick with the suggestion.
Password: Fill in any password you want here. This password is used for an FTP account which is automatically created by cPanel. You likely will not ever need this password, so we suggest picking a random password and forgetting about it.

Your new domain is now successfully added. You can upload the website files to the specific addon folder which was created in the public_html folder.

Reminder: Your new domain name will not display your site until you set that domain's name servers. You must go to the company where you registered your domain, and change the name servers there.

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How to Remove an Addon Domain

If you have an Addon Domain set up and would like delete it, please do the following:

Login to your cPanel and click Addon Domains.
At the bottom, under Actions, click Remove.

Removing the addon domain only removes the domain from the DNS and server configuration. Your files and databases are not deleted or affected by removing the addon domain (other than the fact that you can no longer access the effected files via that domain name).

How to modify an add-on domain document root folder in cpanel

By document root, we mean the folder where your website files for your domain name is stored. cPanel allows for multiple domain names (addon domains and subdomains) and so you need to have a unique folder names for each domain. Normally, your primary domain is rooted in the public_html folder.

In this article we'll discuss how to modify the document root of one of your addon domains in cPanel.

You will forst need to login o your cpanel control panel using the preset username and password.

Under the Domains section click on Addon Domains.

Double-click on the pencil icon under the Document Root column beside the domain you'd like to modify.

Type in the new folder you'd like to have that domain pull its files from, and click Change.

You should now see a pop-up in cPanel saying it's updating the document root.

After it's updated in the pop-up, click on OK.

That is it. Your document root folder should now change to the new one you typed.

Also read: How to Create a SubDomain in Cpanel

What is the difference between parked, addon, and subdomains?

Let’s assume that you already host on your account. In that case, a subdomain would be like When creating a subdomain, a directory in your public_HTML (main/ www) folder is created. In fact, a subdomain is another website with its unique content under the name of: You can create unlimited number of subdomains through the cPanel of your account.

An addon domain is a second website, with its own unique content. This type does require you to register the new domain name before you can host it. So, if you want to host, this is the solution. Please read before creating an Addon Domain.

A parked domain is NOT a unique website. Instead, it is a masked forward to the primary domain name of your cPanel account, much like a website alias. Parked domains are commonly used when you need a place to park a domain you do not have a website for, when you have more than one domain that should lead to your primary domain, or when you have common misspellings of your domain name that you have registered.

How to upload to a sub-domain or addon domain.

Option 1
In a FTP client enter this information.

Host = add on domain name
User =
Password = what you entered during Addon domain creation
Port = 21

Once you have successfully connected to your ftp client will be in the root of the add on domain name.

If everything was successful you should see a folder called cgi-bin.

Upload your files.

Enjoy your new site.

Option 2
In a FTP client enter this information.

Host = primary domain name
User = cPanel username
Password = cPanel password
Port = 21

Once you have successfully connected to your ftp client will be in the home directory.

Double click the public_html folder. Double click the addon domain folder.

Upload your files.

Enjoy your new site.
You do not need to upload or create the cgi-bin folder. The cPanel will automatically create this folder with each new Addon and Subdomain creation.
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