Joomla Extensions Manager Tutorial

The Joomla Extensions manager in version 3x, 2.5 and the previous versions 1.7 and 1.6 are managed from the Administrator panel, the Extensions button in the top menu. There you find a page with the following tabs:

Install, Update, Manage, Discover and check Warning in Joomla Extension Manager

Joomla Extensions Manager

Each of the tab in the extensions manager has its purpose. Some tabs are self-explanatory, like Install for example. Others, however, like Warnings, are not. Let’s go briefly through each of them and check their options:

Install - this tab offers you 3 ways to install a new extension - upload a file, use a file already uploaded to your site or directly download an extension from an URL. The latter is new for Joomla and would allow faster and easier extensions installation. However, it may not work on all servers.

Update - this is a new feature which will allow you to update Joomla and its extensions directly from the admin panel.

Joomla advices that you should always create a backup before embarking on any update. This is because updates may severely damage your Joomla and wipe out all its files.

Manage - in this tab you can enable, disable and most importantly uninstall extensions. It is important to know that this is the only place in the admin area which will allow you to uninstall an extension and this may confuse users of previous Joomla versions.

Discover - this is another new function which can detect incomplete Joomla extensions installations. For example, if Discover finds files for mod_example extension in modules/ it will show the installation as incomplete and give you the option to complete it.

- this screen will show you errors related to your extensions and their installation. These errors could be anything from missing files to incompatibility with other extensions or the core Joomla installation.

You will also want to read:

Basic Documentation on Joomla Website Administration

Basic Virtuemart Configuration Tutorial

Fixing Problems: Notices, Warnings and Errors on Your Joomla Website

Good Optimization Will Boost The Speed of Your Joomla Website

How Secure is Your Joomla Website

How to manually install a Joomla extension

Joomla extension installation should be easy when done from the backend. However, there are cases when backend installation are not successful. Backend installation may fail if the upload file is larger than the limit set in PHP server configuration. In most cases, file size larger than 2MB may not be possible to upload.

In any case, there is a manual way to install your Joomla extension. There are four steps involved:

1. download the extension as normal
2. extract its contents into a folder on your local computer
3. upload those files into the temporary directory in your Joomla installation
4. use the Install from Directory option

It is recommended that to use this manual method for installation, you will need to empty your Joomla temporary folder. It is a good idea to empty the temporary folder. if you previously had an unsuccessful extension install attempt, there will probably be some files left over, which could upset this process. So connect to your site using FTP and navigate to the /tmp folder. If you see any files there, apart from the index.html file, they will need to go. Please you do not have to delete the index.html file.

Step 1 is to download your desired extension as normal.

Step 2 is to extract the contents of the extension on your local computer. Your downloaded file will usually be a zipped file. You will need to extract the zipped file to your local computer.

Step 3 is to upload these files into the tmp folder. You can do this with an ftp software like Filezilla. Upload the files that you have extracted as stated in step 2 above.

Step 4 is to return to Administrator and Extension Manager. In the Install from Directory section, click the Install button.

Joomla will then examine the files in the tmp folder and run through the installation process

This is a safe way to manually install a Joomla extension.

Also read:

How to Copy a Joomla Module and Install on Another Website

How to Fix The Joomla White Screen of Death

How to Revert Back to a Previous Version of Joomla

How to Speed Up Your Joomla Website

How to manually update a Joomla website

Enabling frontend editing in Joomla K2 extension

Being able to edit a Joomla website from the frontend is one the new and exciting features that came with the Joomla 3 series.

The K2 component gives you lots of features, that’s why so many Joomla! users still, even with the extensive options in Joomla!, use this extension to manage the content of their websites. But one of available option might be hidden for some beginner users – how to allow front-end editing with K2 items. In this manual we will show you how to configure this option, but first you should be aware that K2 has its own ACL system which by default doesn’t allow even super administrators to edit K2 items from the front-end, so you’ll have to do a few steps to make sure it is activated properly.

Step 1: From the top menu (in back-end) choose Components -> K2 ->User Groups. Now you have to add a new group, for example “Super Adminer”. Inside the group’s settings you must assign (set) permissions which will allow this group’s users to access Front-end item editing etc… If you are creating the group for Administrators only then you can set all the options to ‘Yes’.

k2-user-groupRemember to assign group permissions to all K2 Categories if you want to edit all K2 items from the front-end, or just choose selected items if you want to limit the group’s category access. Now save this new group that you created.

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How to set an article in a Joomla website to publish on a later date

A Comprehensive Guide to Joomla Article Creation and Editing

Joomla Manual Installation Tutorial

Step 2: Now you have to assign your users who need front-end editing access to this K2 Group. From the left menu choose Users and click on the user account name you wish to give access to, then choose the recently-created group which has all permissions. You don’t have to add an avatar image or description if you don’t intend to use it, but you can if this information will be shown in the K2 items. Once done, click the Save & Close button.k2-user

Step 3: Now all you have to do is add a login link or publish a login module on your website. After logging-in you should see an extra “edit this item” option on all or selected K2 items under the title (in article view).

If you have bigger editorial plans we strongly suggest to add & publish a new menu item: “Item edit form“, which allows you to add new K2 items from the front-end.

Menu Manager – adding new menu item from K2 features

Adding new K2 item from front-end

Now your co-administrator don’t need access to the back-end to post K2 items (article) to K2 from the frontend or edit available k2 items.

How to Install a Module in Joomla

The proceedure for installing a module in Joomla 2.5 and newer is similar to that of Joomla 1.5. Depending on the Joomla version you are running, you will find the installation link under extensions. Follow the steps below to install a module in Joomla.

Before you can install a module in Joomla, you should have the module downloaded or you have a link to the module.

1. Login to your joomla backend.
2. Go to extensions and from the drop down menu, click extension manager or if you are running a more recent version, like Joomla 3.66 and newer, simply locate the install button to proceed.
3. Browse your downloaded module
4. Click upload and install

That is it. You have known how to install a module in your Joomla website

Also read:

Joomla Menu Manager Tutorial

Joomla User Manager Tutorial

My Joomla Website Displays a Blank Page, What Should I do

Why The Progressive Caching in Joomla Should Be Avoided

How to Create a Custom Module Content in Joomla

A custom module is used when you want to add a module position but you want to use your own content or insert a code instead of using an already built in Joomla module. For instance, it could be used to place a photograph to a module position or ann a note to a module mosition.

Follow the steps outlined below to create a custom module in your Joomla website.

First, you will need to login to the backend of your Joomla website.

Next, you will go to extensions, from the drop down menu, select module manager.

Next, select custom HTML

Next, add your desired content

Next, save your work.

That is it. you have successfull added a custom content in your Joomla website.

How to Add a Latest News Module in Joomla

The Joomla latest news module is used to publish the most recent articles set to specific category or categories. It allows the most recent articles to be placed on specific module positions on the front page or on any other page.

To create the latest news module in Joomla 2.5 or other versions, simply follow the steps below and you will be able to publish your latest news module successfully.

1. Login to your Joomla backend.

2. Under extensions, click "Module Manager" and you will be presented with a list of all the modules in your Joomla website.

3. Click the "New" button located at the top right corner and a pop up presenting available modules within your Joomla website will be displayed to you.

4. From the list, click "Latest News" and choose the categories from where you will want the latest news to be published from.

5. Click the "save" or "save and close" button

How to add a login module in Joomla

Joomla is a very populat content management system and also very flexible. This tutorial treatshow to add a login module in Joomla 2.5. The tutorial is also applicable to other versions of Joomla. To add a login module in Joomla 2.5, please follow these steps:

1. Login to Joomla admin backend.

2. Under extensions, click Module Manager

3. When you have successfully navigated to Module Manager, click new

4. A window will pop up allowing you to sellect the "Login Module", click "Login"

Enter your preferencial details and save to desired module position.

How to add a module to a menu item

It can sometimes be necesssary to load your Joomla modules in a menu. This feature is great and good for easy navigation by users and visitors to your website. This article teaches you how to do that and will be useful in applying features like puting the search box, a login form or even advertisements inside your website menu.

This can be achieved using a module called Modules Anywhere which can be used to place a search box inside a menu without any coding.

Step #1. Install Modules Anywhere

Go to the Modules Anywhere page and click Download. It is a Free module.

Login to your Joomla administrator area.
Go to Extensions > Extensions Manager.
Click Upload a Package File and upload Modules Anywhere.

Step #2. Add a search module

Go to Extensions > Module manager > New
Choose Search as the module type
Set a Title
Click Save & Close
Now, find the ID number of your module, which you will find in module manager:

Step #3. Add a menu item

Go to Menus > Main menu > Add new menu item

Choose the following settings for your menu link:

Menu item type: System link > Text separator
Menu title: {module 107}
Click Save & Close

Visit your site and view your main menu, which should now include your added menu

How to add the most read content module in Joomla

The Joomla "Most Read Content" module is used to publish the articles with the highest viewer hits from the categories specified in the module. By default, it will publish the most read articles at the top and in desending order.

To create the Most Read Content module in Joomla 2.5 or other versions, simply follow the steps below and you will be able to publish your latest news module successfully.

1. Login to your Joomla backend.

2. Under extensions, click "Module Manager" and you will be presented with a list of all the modules in your Joomla website.

3. Click the "New" button located at the top right corner and a pop up presenting available modules within your Joomla website will be displayed to you.

4. From the list, click "Most Read Content" and choose the categories from where you will want the most read content to be published from.

5. Click the "save" or "save and close" button

How to Add Most Recent Article Module in Joomla

First login to the Joomla backend administrator area.

Next, click on module manager.

At the top right, click on new, a pop up will show options.

Click on Most Read Content

Configure your module and save.

My Joomla Text Editor Stops Working, What Should I do?

Have you experienced a situation here your Joomla editor just stops working. We have seen such cases with a few client websites and will like to share our experience about what caused it and how we were able to address it.

Why Editor Stopped Working

  • Upgrade Related Problem

Basically, it was due to an upgrade to the Joomla core. Upgrading from version 3.3 to version 3.6 caused the problem.

  • Template Related Problem

We have also seen that with some other templates, the upgrade did not cause a problem. So we could reason that depending on your template framework, you could expeience a problem with your Joomla text editor.

  • Editor Related Problem

We found that this problem exclusively affected the TinyMCE editor. The TinyMCE is a What You See is What You Get, WTSWIG, editor. If you use other Joomla text editors, you will not find this problem.

How To Fix The Problem

The approach you will use to fi the problem will depend on what you intend to do. Creating a blog page content could be different from just adding or editing an image.

One way we were able to overcome this problem is to change the editor.

The other way is to update the editor to a most recent vesion compatible with your Joomla version.

A third way is to copy the editor from a functional and updated version of Joomla into your Joomla installation. This is recommended in cases where you are unable to download a recent version of the software. To do this, ou can run a recent Joomla installation with the most updated version of the software, then locate the editor folder through your website file manager and download the file. You will then need to use FTP software to upload your downloaded file to the appropriate location on your Joomla installation.

Popular Joomla Editors

DropEditor is one of the most innovative editors on the Joomla market. The editor integrates extensions developed by the company behind and have revamped usual tools we use to find in such extension. Significant tools are:

- Advanced image manager

- Advanced file manager

- Custom columns manager: column creation with custom size

- Automatic summary: summary based on article titles level

- Button creation tool: create, save and reuse buttons

- Template saving: save the HTML structure of your content and reuse it

- Custom style visual edition: create style with custom CSS and load it in edition interface

- Custom title visual edition: title override tool

- Easy to use link manager: link manager to Joomla menu and content

- User profile with Joomla ACL: create custom profiles for editor

- HTML colored code with automatic tag creation

The editor is free and optionally can be upgraded to advanced image/Files/Tables manager and support.

JCE is one of the oldest editor for Joomla, it exists since Joomla 1.0. This is a more classical text editor but the structure is rock solid and it’s highly maintained.

Important points are:

- Office-like usage and formatting not to be lost

- Image manager allows you to: upload, rename, delete, copy &paste, insert them into your articles

- Link manager give shortcut to Joomla categories, articles and menus

- Syntax highlighting in HTML edition

- Spellchecker tool using your browser’s Spellchecker

- Lightbox tool for images

The editor is free and optionally can be upgraded with a plugin set like advanced image, file, media manager and support.

YEEditor between an editor and a content builder, means that you can build a layout inside your page content. And of course you can call a text edition interface in the blocks.

Main advantage and content available:

- Drag’n drop layout builder

- Responsive grid layout

- Call editor

- Module insertion

- Media player

- Google map widget

- Custom HTML/CSS/JS code insertion
The extension is free and optionally can be upgraded with advanced widget such asslider, media player, accordion, tab layouts and support.

CKEditor is also one of the oldest editor for Joomla too, it has been developed sine years. This is a more classical editor than the previous one, but if you need to start fast, you’ll enjoy to see that you know the major part of the tools inside.

Notable tools are:

- Configuration integrated with Joomla! administration pages with custom edition profiles

- Drag’n drop tool to make it available in edition toolbar

- Paste from Word feature

- Tool to style your content

- XHTML valid code generation control

- Bad formatting filtering

- Full accessibility support for the entire interface

The extension is free and optionally can be enhanced with CKFinder (a media manager) and support.

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