Joomla User Manager Tutorial

Change admin username in Joomla

As a registerd user on a Joomla website, you enjoy some priviledges and can perform some roles. This will depend on your user level. Administrators have the permission to edit the Joomla website with any limitations. The can create a new user and set permissions for them and they can also delete an existing user or edit the permissions and the roles the user can have within the backend.

You will also want to read:

Basic Documentation on Joomla Website Administration

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This article will show you how to change the default administrator username for a Joomla 2.5 website. This can be helpful in preventing login attacks.

1) Login to your Joomla administrator panel. You will require a username and admin password to be able to login to Joomla backend. Registered users are not given backend access by default. They can however access certain pages within the website if they have been set to be viewed only by registered users.

2) Go to the User Manager section. This will be found with the top menu in the Joomla administrator backend.

3) Click the default Administrator user account or simply locate the administrator whose username you intend to change. You can highlight the check box near the user name and click the edit button.

4) Enter the new login name you wish to use.

5) Reset or confirm the administrator password.

5) Click the Save button or the or Save & Close button to save your changes.

That’s it! The next time you login with the administrator account, you will need to use the new login and new password just saved.

Also read:

How to Copy a Joomla Module and Install on Another Website

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How to Speed Up Your Joomla Website

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How to login to Joomla admin backend

We will show you how to login to your Joomla website administrator area. This part of the Joomla website is also called the "backend".

From this area, you can conveniently add new articles, edit existing articles and modify every section of your website.

Mow, let's get started.

To login to your website backend, simply add /administrator to your website url.

That is, if your website is for instance, your Joomla backend login url will be:

You will be prompted to enter your login details including a username and password. If you have forgotten these, you can reset them following the tutorial:

By default, your Joomla username would be "admin" without the quotation marks.

That's it, if your have followed and implemented the commands correctly, then you should be ble to login to your Joomla website backend.

Also read:

How to move a Joomla website from localhost to a live server and secure it

How to set an article in a Joomla website to publish on a later date

Joomla Extensions Manager Tutorial

Joomla Manual Installation Tutorial

How to remove the "Don't have an account" link in the user login page

The don't have an account link is used to register new user on a website. In Joomla, some admin do not want this link and they can comment it out by followingthis tutorial.

To remove the link "Don't have an account" in the user login page:

( This page is created using a menu item selected from "Users Manager > Login Form" in creating a new menu item and selecting the type of menu item.

Step 1

Open FTP or a file manager and locate the following file:


Step 2

Make a copy and place the copy in the template overrides folder of your template, creating a new directory called "com_users":


Also read:

Joomla Menu Manager Tutorial

A Comprehensive Guide to Joomla Article Creation and Editing

My Joomla Website Displays a Blank Page, What Should I do

Why The Progressive Caching in Joomla Should Be Avoided

Step 3

Open the file copy default_login.php, and near the bottom comment out the following code:

<a href="/<?php echo JRoute::_( 'index.php?option=com_user&view=register' ); ?>">
<?php echo JText::_('REGISTER'); ?></a>

Step 4

Upload or save the file to the location in step 2.


Done. Create a new menu item if you haven't already (new menu item "Users Manager > Registration Form"), and you will find that the link is gone from the page layout.

How to remove the link "Create an Account" in the login module

This is the module used to create new account users in Joomla. To remove the create new account link in the login module, follow this tutorial.

Step 1

Open FTP or a file manager and locate the following file:

Step 2

Make a copy and place the copy in the template overrides folder of your template, creating a new directory called "mod_login":

Step 3

Open the file copy default.php, and near the bottom comment out the following code:

<!-- <li>
<a href="/<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_users&view=registration'); ?>">
<?php echo JText::_('MOD_LOGIN_REGISTER'); ?></a>
</li> -->
Step 4

Upload or save the file to the location in step 2.


How to hide the default user registration form in Joomla

You can hide the user registration form from appearing at the bottom of the core login module in Joomla. This mans, your visitors cannot register as new users on your website. With the Joomla core login module, you can allow users to log into your Joomla site, but this Module also contains a "Create an account" link that will allow your website visitors/ users to register on your site. Some users do not want the Create an Account” link and it can be removed. This article explains how to disable this feature and disallow new users from creating an account.

How to Hide the "Create an account" Link

Disablng From Joomla Admin

To begin, log into the administration area (the back end) of your Joomla site, click on the User Manager.
Click on the "Options" button in the toolbar.

Under the "Component" tab, find the "Allow User Registration" option, and turn this off by selecting "No". There are many other options here for configuring your user accounts and this area is worth exploring. Be sure of the setting changes you make and how they affect your website. For instance, it is good to enable the option allowing new users to activate their accounts. This helps you deal with spam registrations and emails. Remember to save your work.

Return to the front end of the site, refresh the page, and the "Create an account" link will be removed. Current users will still be able to log into the account.
Effect on Joomla Registration Menu

If you have created a Joomla registration meneu linked to the Joomla Core Login and you disallow new user registrations, the menu item won't disappear, but it will redirect users to the login form instead of the registration form.
Removing the Link by Editing The Joomlla Code

For removing link from login module edit the default.php template of this module and remove the code

<a href="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_users&view=registration'); ?>">
<?php echo JText::_('MOD_LOGIN_REGISTER'); ?></a>

Rather than making changes in the core template its better if you override the module template and then make changes into that file so that your changes will be maintained even when you upgrade Joomla.

How to Create an Overwride

One of useful features of the new Template Manager is how easy it makes overrides. Previously it was almost impossible to get a clean overview of what override possibilities were available on a Joomla site.

To create override, do the following:
Click the "Create Overrides" tab and the new Template Manager presents all of the possibilities in one neat list:
Click on a component and you'll get all the possibilities inside that one component. In this following example, I clicked on com_content:
Click on one of the possibilities, for example "article", and see.
Go back to the Editor screen and your override files will be available for editing:

Getting a Started with overrides

Joomla documentation has provided this guide on getting started with overwride. If you are new to Joomla! development, then it is probably easiest to start with an existing view, and try modifying it to get what you want. To do this, you should make a copy of the existing view in the html directory of your template, and then modify the copy.

The directory structure you need is:


For example, if you want to change the way that the 'Article' view displays a com_content article, then you should copy the file at :


(note the slight difference in directory structure)

Similarly, if you want to change how the mod_login Module is displayed, then you should copy :


Joomla! comes pre-packaged with a frontend template called Beez. Beez utilizes template overrides to produce a table-less layout for faster, smoother, and semantically correct markup. To see how it's done, locate your Joomla! installation's template directory, and you'll notice the Beez template. Inside the Beez template directory, you'll find a directory named html.

The entire directory structure is as follows:


If you want to try modifying the overrides used in Beez, you could simply copy and paste the Beez html directory into your own template's main directory. However you choose to make your override files, you will need to ensure that they are correctly installed with your template. To do this, you should add the following code to your template's templateDetails.xml file (in between the <files> and </files> tags):


The above code in essence lets the Joomla! package installer know that there are files to extract, and that they are part of the template as a whole.
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